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Free Education Astrology Predictions in Dausa, Study Abroad Astrology Prediction in Dausa. "Education yields humility. Humility bestows ability. Ability or skill brings money. Money helps you to try to to religious deeds and your religious deeds bring lot of happiness to you."
In a horoscope 4th home is the karaka house of education and 5th is that of intellect. As 2nd home is the house of speech and goddess Saraswati so this can also be considered as house of education and erudition. for creating achievement within the field of upper education 9th home is important and 10th home is the Karaka house of name and fame from education. there's very close relationship between education and intellect. Similarly there's close relationship between 4th and 5th house. All the planets are related to different genres of education. For eg. Jupiter is that the chief karaka of Vedas, philosophy and astrology. Mercury is significator of mathematics, financial management and medical. Venus is auspicious for music and effective interpretation. Mars gives the power to rule and to fight against injustice. it's the chief karaka of art of warfare.
Sun represents administrative education, medical and philosophy. Moon is auspicious for medical, poetry, astronomy, spiritual and astrological education. Saturn and Rahu are chief Karakas of foreign education. 9th house, Jupiter and Moon are the chief karakas of spiritual education.
In a horoscope the grasping power and therefore the ability to accumulate education is studied from Mercury whereas Jupiter is that the chief karaka of one's educational upgradation. Intelligence : If the lord of fifth house Mercury is conjoined with any benefic planet and gets aspect of a benefic planet. If 5th lord is in conjunction with benefic planets, Mercury is exalted, Mercury placed in fifth house or the navamsa lord of 5th lord is well aspected by a benefic planet in Kendra. If any of the above be the case, the native would be intelligent. When Mercury is in its own house or during a Kendra from the ascendant or remains during a trine the native gets flourished with high education, vehicles and property.
If Jupiter is well aspected by Venus and Mercury in the ninth house the native is complete erudite.
If Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are in the ninth house the native is renowned scholar. The combination of Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn in the ninth house equips the native with complete erudition and eloquence of speech.
The native is very intelligent if 5th lord is hemmed between benefic planets or if the lord of the sign where 5th lord is placed gets auspicious aspect from a benefic planet.
The intellect of native is very sharp when 5th house is in between two benefic planets, Jupiter is in 5th and Mercury is unafflicted.
Memory: If the lord of fifth house is in conjunction or aspected by a benefic planet or the fifth house is occupied or aspected by a benefic planet or if the lord of fifth house from Jupiter is in Kendra or Trikona the native is blessed with sharp memory. Grammar: If powerful Jupiter and the lord of second house are aspected by Sun and Venus the native can be an efficient grammarian. The conjunction of powerful Jupiter with 2nd lord and Sun also proves beneficial to be good in grammar.
Mathematics: It is important for the Jupiter to be in the centre and Mercury should be the lord of second house or Venus should be exalted or in its own house. Because of this combination the native has deep interest in mathematics.
If Mars is in the second house with a benefic planet or aspected by Mercury or Mercury is in Kendra the native becomes a mathematician.
If Jupiter is in Kendra or Trikona, Venus is exalted, Mercury and Mars in house of wealth or in any Kendra aspected by Mercury the native becomes a very good mathematician.
If Moon and Mercury are in Kendra or in conjunction with 3rd lord Mercury or Mercury is in 6th from Saturn and Jupiter in 2nd from Lagna the native is very expert astrologer.
Eloquence of Speech:
If 2nd lord Jupiter occupies 2nd house the native can become a full time orator and expresses his opinion effectively in his lectures provided it's not aspected by any malefic planet. Unafflicted Jupiter and Mercury in 2nd house can enable the native to become extremely efficient in interpretation.
If Mercury and Jupiter occupy or aspect powerful 3rd house or are in Kendra from it, the native has very sweet voice.
Different Sutras (planetary combinations) are mentioned in astrological texts like - Sarvaarth Chintamani, Jatak Parijaat and Jyotish Ratnakar which indicate about the erudition, knowledge, education and intelligence of a native through his horoscope.
Here we shall be knowing about these Sutras with illustration -
IIn the horoscope of Adi Guru Shukracharya 2nd house lord Sun is exalted in 10th house, Venus the karaka planet of erudition and imagination is additionally occupying 10th house in conjunction with Sun. 9th lord (the karaka of spiritual education) is exalted in kendra. This exalted Jupiter is additionally aspecting 5th and 9th house. The karaka of intellect Mercury is occupying 10th house in conjunction with Sun and Venus.
Yogakaraka planet Mars is in 10th from 5th house. Shankaracharya was a world famous erudite of unparalleled genius of his time. there's mutual exchange between 2nd lord Sun and 5th lord Mars. during this way all the karaka planets and karaka house lords of education are very beautifully placed during this chart due to which he earned the title of Jagadguru by defeating all spiritual gurus in debate on scriptures. it had been a world famous event of his victory popularly referred to as Shankardigvijay.